Wednesday, November 15, 2006

File Integrity and Secure Execution

How do you know when and if your security has been compromised? And how do you prevent compromises to begin with? Sun has digitally signed almost all binaries in the Solaris 10 Operating System, enabling administrators to track changes easily. In a future release of Solaris, Sun will add the ability to lock a system down so that only valid, signed executables from a list of trusted authorities will be allowed to run; rogue applications, Trojan horses, and viruses simply won’t execute. The Solaris 10 OS also introduces a file integrity checking application for data files and customer applications known as the Basic Audit and Reporting Tool (BART). In addition, Sun continues to publicly provide digital hashes for all files shipped in Solaris as part of the Solaris Fingerprint Database project. Together, these tools give you powerful, flexible ways to monitor and protect against changes to your operating system platform.

About BART
This section provides and overview of the new Basic Audit and Reporting Tool
(BART), including concepts you need to understand before proceeding with the
steps to automate file integrity checking.
BART provides a quick and easy way to collect information on filesystem objects and
their attributes so that, at a later time, you can determine whether there have been
any changes. BART can help you detect accidental or malicious changes to files
within an operating system due to either a security incident or change management
BART is able to collect such information as an object’s UID, GID, permissions, access
control lists, modification time, size, and type. In addition, for files, BART generates
an MD5 fingerprint from the contents of the file. For a full list of the attributes that
can be collected, see the bart_rules(4) manual page.
BART has two primary modes of operation: create and compare.
Create Mode
When run in create mode, BART collects filesystem object information from a
system. You can control the scope of collection on a system, including the entire
system, under a specified root directory, or just a subset of files. You can even define
a more granular policy using a rules file that can be customized to meet your
organization's requirements.
When you use BART in create mode, it can read its rules file from either standard
input or from a regular file—for a listing of file types supported by BART, see
bart_manifest(4). As BART processes individual filesystem objects, it records its
results in a manifest file. This manifest is directed to standard output by default,
although you can easily redirect the output to a file or to another process. BART’s
ability to read rules from standard input and produce a manifest on standard output
are important for the automation of file integrity checking.
Why Automate BART? 3
Compare Mode
To use BART in compare mode, you need two BART manifests and, optionally, a
rules file.
■ The first (and original) manifest, called the control manifest, is used as your
■ The second manifest, called the test manifest, is then compared against the control
(in accordance with a set of rules, if supplied).
■ If a rules file is specified, then BART will use the rules it contains to determine
how to make the various comparisons. One of the benefits of a rules file is that
you can use it to define rules to help eliminate any false alarms in your reports,
thereby allowing you to better focus your efforts on the remaining alarms.
Why Automate BART?
For customers with both large and small Solaris deployments, there is a growing
need to manage cost and complexity. The goal of this BluePrints Cookbook is to
highlight how the collection of filesystem information using BART can be securely
automated across any number of systems (with any number of Solaris Containers).
BART automation has several benefits:
■ Through the use of a centralized collection authority, you can collect BART
manifests across a network of Solaris 10 systems using strong authentication, least
privilege, and encryption over the wire.
■ The rules and manifest files never need to be stored on the system (or Container)
being evaluated—they can all be managed and protected on a central authority.
Similarly, the comparison process can be performed in relative isolation because
the comparison need not be done on the host being evaluated.
This approach offers a significant security benefit over other file integrity
methods in use today, where artifacts of the collection or comparison process
must exist on the system being evaluated.
4 Automating Centralized File Integrity Checks in the Solaris™ 10 Operating System • March 2005
Steps to Automate File Integrity
This section describes the steps to automate file integrity checking. As a matter of
convention, these instructions refer to the two systems in this example as client and
■ The client system is the one being examined by BART.
■ The manager is the system on which all of the BART rules and manifests are
stored, and from which all connections to the client are made.
Step 1: Create a New User Account
The first step is to create a new user on client whose only purpose is to collect
filesystem information and create BART manifests.
Note – The following example focuses on a single client system, but this same type
of approach could be applied for a network of systems, for which this account could
be created—either locally on each system, or in a networked naming service (such as
To create a new user, enter the following commands.
# mkdir -p /export/home
# useradd -d /export/home/bartadm -m -s /bin/pfsh bartadm
# passwd -N bartadm
passwd: password information changed for bartadm
In this example, note that:
■ The bartadm account is created as a non-login account. This means that, while
this account does not have a Unix login password, it is otherwise able to access
the system, either by using other authentication mechanisms, or through the use
of delayed execution mechanisms such as cron(1M). This is required because the
default behavior of useradd(1) is to create an account that is locked.
■ This account was created with a profile shell ( /bin/pfsh). This was done to allow
commands executed by this user to be evaluated by the Solaris Role-based Access
Control (RBAC) facility to determine whether the command will run with altered
Steps to Automate File Integrity Checking 5
Step 2: Create a Secure Shell Key-Pair
After the new user account has been created on client, you next create a Secure Shell
key-pair that will be used to access the account. Remember that, because bartadm is
a non-login account, the only way to access it over the network is to use public key
or GSS-API authentication with Secure Shell.
Note – This does not need to be done on the system where you created the user. In
fact, we recommend that you generate the key on manager so that you will not need
to transfer the private key over any network.
Warning – This recommendation is based on a default Solaris 10 OS installation.
If other authentication mechanisms are enabled by default, however, there might be
other ways in which the bartadm user can be accessed across the network. We
recommend that you verify your /etc/pam.conf settings to be certain.
To create a Secure Shell key-pair, enter the following commands.
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/export/home/bartadm/.ssh/id_dsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /export/home/bartadm/.ssh/id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /export/home/bartadm/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
42:ca:d7:fa:ab:1c:f8:c0:5b:2c:7b:56:28:85:dc:65 bartadm@manager
Step 3: Installing the Secure Shell Key-Pair
After the new Secure Shell key-pair has been created, you then install it on the client
system. To do this, you should create the /export/home/bart/.ssh/
authorized_keys file on the client system, if it does not already exist. Then,
append to the authorized_keys file the contents of the file that was
created on the manager system. This approach allows you to preserve any existing
keys that might be in that file while also installing the newly generated ones.
Once copied, you should have something similar to the following examples.
6 Automating Centralized File Integrity Checks in the Solaris™ 10 Operating System • March 2005
On manager
# pwd
# ls -l
total 6
-rw------- 1 bartadm other 736 Sep 30 23:03 id_dsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 bartadm other 600 Sep 30 23:03
On client
# pwd
# ls -l
total 6
-rw-r--r-- 1 bartadm other 600 Oct 1 09:14 authorized_keys
Step 4: Configure Secure Shell
Next, on client, you must configure Secure Shell to run only a specific command
when this public key is used. When this public key is used (which is, by default, the
only remote access method), then the bartadm user will be able to run only the
command that you specify. A remote user accessing the bartadm account will not be
able to run any other commands. To do this, you use the Secure Shell command
directive. For more information, see the “ authorized_keys File Format” section of
To configure the Secure Shell to run the command, edit the authorized_keys, adding
the following prefix to the existing public key:
command="/usr/bin/bart create -r -"
Making this change causes BART to be run in create mode, taking a rules file from
standard input, which allows you to specify different BART rules files (as needed)
without having to change the configuration of client.
The result will look something like the following example (with a different public
command="/usr/bin/bart create -r -" ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAJ6zG8SJtQVi/Et
Steps to Automate File Integrity Checking 7
Step 5: Create an RBAC Rights Profile
Next, you will create an RBAC rights profile on client that will allow the bartadm
user to run BART with sufficient privileges to collect files across the filesystem. This
is important to prevent the bartadm command from running as the root account.
Note – Remember that, to successfully access this account, you will also need
possession of the bartadm private key (which should be stored on the protected,
centralized authority) as well as the passphrase to unlock the private key. Further,
once you successfully access the account, you will be able to run only the bart
command, as configured above, with the privileges that are described below. Each of
these controls serves to reinforce the security of the overall solution.
To create an RBAC rights profile that will be associated with BART and assigned to
the bartadm user, you need to add the following lines to the /etc/security/prof_attr
and /etc/security/exec_attr files:
Note – When entering the following commands, be sure to omit the line breaks,
which are included here for readability only.
# grep "^File Integrity:" /etc/security/prof_attr
File Integrity:::File Integrity Management:
# grep "^File Integrity:" /etc/security/exec_attr
File Integrity:solaris:cmd:::/usr/bin/bart:privs=file_dac_read,file_dac_search
The File Integrity rights profile grants the file_dac_read and file_dac_search
privileges. These privileges are needed so that the bartadm user can search
directories and read files that normally would not be permitted due to discretionary
access controls (Unix permissions, ACLs, and so on) as implemented in the Solaris
operating system. A description of these two privileges can be found using the
ppriv(1) command, as shown in the following example.
8 Automating Centralized File Integrity Checks in the Solaris™ 10 Operating System • March 2005
# ppriv -l -v file_dac_read file_dac_search
Allows a process to read a file or directory whose permission
bits or ACL do not allow the process read permission.
Allows a process to search a directory whose permission bits or
ACL do not allow the process search permission.
Step 6: Assign the Profile to the bartadm User
Finally, you need to assign the new File Integrity rights profile to the bartadm user.
To assign the rights profile, use the following command:
# usermod -P "File Integrity" bartadm
This command will add the following line to the /etc/user_attr file:
# grep "^bartadm:" /etc/user_attr
bartadm::::type=normal;profiles=File Integrity
You can also verify that the File Integrity rights profile has been assigned to the
bartadm user using the following command:
# profiles -l bartadm
File Integrity:
/usr/bin/bart privs=file_dac_read,file_dac_search
Step 7: Optional Tasks
You have completed the basic steps to automate file integrity checking with BART.
However, you can perform optional tasks to enhance security, including:
■ limiting access to the bartadm public key by hostname or IP address (for example
only allowing access from manager)
■ restricting bartadm access to cron(1M) by adding the "bartadm" account to the
/etc/cron.d/cron.deny file
Steps to Automate File Integrity Checking 9
There might be other security controls that you will want to evaluate and
implement based on your individual security policies and requirements. Take care
to identify and understand any residual risk in your environment and act
Step 8: Test the Setup
The final task is to test that everything works as expected from the manager system.
Create a Sample Rules File
To test the setup, you first create a small and simple example BART rules file on
manager to test that the functionality works. You will use this rules file as input to
BART on client passed over a Secure Shell channel that uses public-key
authentication to execute a specific command. The output of BART will be displayed
to standard output so you can redirect this to a file for later comparison.
Create the following sample BART rules file on manager:
This example limits information collection to files under /usr/sbin. When used in
compare mode, all of the collected attributes are checked. Once your setup is
verified, you can develop more sophisticated policies based on your organization's
Run the Command to Test
To test the setup (from manager), enter the following command.
$ cat ./client.rules | ssh -T -l bartadm client
! Version 1.0
! Friday, October 01, 2004 (10:46:56)
# Format:
#fname D size mode acl dirmtime uid gid
#fname P size mode acl mtime uid gid
#fname S size mode acl mtime uid gid
#fname F size mode acl mtime uid gid contents
#fname L size mode acl lnmtime uid gid dest
#fname B size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode
#fname C size mode acl mtime uid gid devnode
/usr/sbin D 4608 40755 user::rwx,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 415c6c1d 0 2
/usr/sbin/6to4relay F 9888 100555 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3ef2 0 2
10 Automating Centralized File Integrity Checks in the Solaris™ 10 Operating System • March 2005
/usr/sbin/acctadm F 28356 100555 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3bb4 0 2
/usr/sbin/add_drv F 44244 100555 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3cda 0 2
/usr/sbin/allocate F 18764 104755 user::rwx,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3e96 0 2
/usr/sbin/arp F 9912 100555 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3ef2 0 2
/usr/sbin/audit F 10140 100555 user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x 414f3e85 0 2
[... content edited for brevity...]
Compare Manifest Files
Once you are sure that the process is working, save two copies to illustrate how to
use the compare feature:
$ cat ./client.rules | ssh -T -l bartadm client > ./client.manifest.1
$ cat ./client.rules | ssh -T -l bartadm client > ./client.manifest.2
$ bart compare -r ./client.rules ./client.manifest.1 ./client.manifest.2
You should get no comparison errors in this example, which indicates that your files
have not changed relative to the baseline— client.manifest.1. In contrast, here is an
example in which the comparison detected two differences:
$ bart compare -r ./client.rules ./client.manifest.1 ./client.manifest.2
acl control:user::r-x,group::r-x,mask:r-x,other:r-x test:user::r-x,group::rx,
contents control:28dd3a3af2fcc103f422993de5b162f3
In this case, the /usr/sbin/auditd program was modified (contents changed) and
had its access control list modified—adding write access to world, which is certainly
a bad thing!
Conclusion 11
In this BluePrints Cookbook, we have described a method for centralizing and
automating file integrity checks across a network of Solaris 10 systems. This method
uses strong authentication, least privilege, and encryption over the wire to provide a
secure and scalable mechanism for the collection and transport of file fingerprints
from clients to a centralized authority. While providing strong security, this solution
is also flexible in that it allows an unlimited number of BART rules files to be used.
Rules files can be developed per system, per application, per data center, or based on
any other customer requirements.
In addition, the use of this mechanism does not require that the central authority
itself be a system. It can be implemented within a Solaris Container in the Solaris 10
OS to further offer greater security isolation. While this does not improve the
security of BART processing per se, it does offer greater protection for BART rules,
manifests, and related user-developed scripts. By using a Solaris Container as a
BART central authority, you can reap the security benefits that have been designed
into them, including spare-root configurations (read-only, loopback-mounted
filesystems), reduced process privilege sets, namespace isolation, resource
management and global-zone observability, and so on.
For example, you could have a Solaris Container that has no listening services and
that houses all of the rules and manifest files for an entire network of systems.
No other services running on that same system (perhaps other security monitoring
tools) could access the BART data. Further, by using Solaris Containers, you can
monitor all of your BART rules and manifests from the isolated global zone (using
BART, of course) to ensure that they have not been altered.
How you configure the BART management container is up to you, but one thing is
certain—by leveraging the Solaris 10 OS and, more specifically, Solaris Containers,
you will have the opportunity to build your BART central authority upon a very
strong security foundation.

1 comment:

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